It took me a year and 4 months to finish a Final Fantasy game. WTF.
What can I say? It's a FF game - Rambuncious hero wants to be a sky pirate, mayhem goes on, trusted partner stays by his side as they collect friend along the way to fight the big fight. There is a villain, who isn't the main villain, and then you discover who the villain is you have to fight him twice - once where he's super tough, and then the last one is just for show.
In the end, I was mostly happy it was over. Thanks to school, I've only been able to play it every once in a while for 1-2 hours max. It was an easy game to play - level up, beat boss, chapter ends. I spent so much time with that thing in my DS that I'm more than prepared to move onto something else - guh. I think I should have boughten a PSP.