We were, literally, the youngest people in the room. We were like "WTF" because everyone there was 30+ We assumed "Hey! Technology? Gotta be some young peoples in hurr," we were so wrong - but in the end it worked out super awesome for us. We were wandering around, looking for a table to sit at, and we finally chose one with "space." Turns out we sat with IBM. XD Go go awesome sense of direction!
We hung out with the two execs from IBM, one of which was the key-note speaker for the event. Luckily, they were all "ZOMG you guys make games?!" And we were like "YESPLZ!" Business cards went flying, dinner was good, met some nice people, all in all, I'd say that today was pretty good.
Dr. Aggarwal wants to talk to us about becoming a part of this group and sitting on a committee - AWESOME! I can't wait to see what comes of this.
What kinds of games would you want to play online?