Not only does it get in the way, it can get pretty confusing, as in I wanted to switch over to Wordpress, only to be brought down by the cataclysmic forces that are themes.
Anyway, regular uploads, etc etc
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
She's Baaaaaaack (Fox-X)
That's right y'all. It's been a year, and 52stairs is bringing out another episode of Fox-X, starring Jen Fox :D I can't wait to animate for 300+ hours, all day, and all night and completely ignore friends and family and school work until the very last second so that I can pass my exams/classes.
In other news, I'm getting over the flu. It was pretty touch and go for a bit, and by that, I mean that my nose was a LITERAL faucet for several days, achiness and a persistent fever.
Anyway, I'm going to get to work. ^_^ Yay!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I feel guilty for not having updated in a while - but we have finally secured a camera to finish our application to! ^_^ I'm so excited!
That's pretty much it >_<
Thursday, April 16, 2009
FF12: Revenant Wings for DS
It took me a year and 4 months to finish a Final Fantasy game. WTF.
What can I say? It's a FF game - Rambuncious hero wants to be a sky pirate, mayhem goes on, trusted partner stays by his side as they collect friend along the way to fight the big fight. There is a villain, who isn't the main villain, and then you discover who the villain is you have to fight him twice - once where he's super tough, and then the last one is just for show.
In the end, I was mostly happy it was over. Thanks to school, I've only been able to play it every once in a while for 1-2 hours max. It was an easy game to play - level up, beat boss, chapter ends. I spent so much time with that thing in my DS that I'm more than prepared to move onto something else - guh. I think I should have boughten a PSP.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Executive Summary Done
Do you know what this means? We're ready to search for venture/angel capital! :D We got the green light and some resources from a very successful entrepreneur and he even had his investment banker give it a look and he said it looked good enough for vc/angel capital firms!
I'm so elated right now. We can finally begin to do the leg work. I'm so excited. Jonathan said that he'd love for me to be the one to make the presentations in front of the boards - which is thrilling, but stressful. I'm taking 3 classes and 2 internships this summer. Ugh. School will be the end of me.
We'll have to keep our search confined to Toronto, as we can't really afford at this point to do any interprovince traveling. I'd love to be able to one day.
Anyway, celebratory movie night! Yay! :D
I'm so elated right now. We can finally begin to do the leg work. I'm so excited. Jonathan said that he'd love for me to be the one to make the presentations in front of the boards - which is thrilling, but stressful. I'm taking 3 classes and 2 internships this summer. Ugh. School will be the end of me.
We'll have to keep our search confined to Toronto, as we can't really afford at this point to do any interprovince traveling. I'd love to be able to one day.
Anyway, celebratory movie night! Yay! :D
Fox-X featured on IGN.COM!
I completely neglected to mention this, as I was neck deep in exam stuffs, but since that is no longer the issue (YAY!) I can now mention that:
I don't even care what our rating was (No Rating lolz), just the IDEA that we were requested and received a great review is enough for me! :D
Check it out what Stephen Ng had to say here!
I don't even care what our rating was (No Rating lolz), just the IDEA that we were requested and received a great review is enough for me! :D
Check it out what Stephen Ng had to say here!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Quick Update
Just a quick update before I go to bed - I'm thinking of doing a video series for the blog, of what? I have yet to decide! Something game/awesome related. Stay tuned!
Before I leave, here are some things I want to buy (LOL WITH WHAT MONEY):
Before I leave, here are some things I want to buy (LOL WITH WHAT MONEY):
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Are taking over my life.
This lay out for my blog isn't exactly driving me crazy. I'll have to play with it POST-exams. I have to write a take home for Thursday. It's 2 questions in easy form. Blerhg. It's so simple, but so damn boring.
I'll post with some actual news after my exams (after the 13th), I'll update about all the awesome things happening so far.
Does anyone actually read my blog? Jeez.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Softech Alliance Meeting!
Today Jonathan, Dan and I went to Caboto Club so that we could enjoy the networking opportunity brought on by SOFTECH ALLIANCE! It's essentially a group formed around the idea of bringing more tech. jobs to Windsor, and we were graciously invited by Dr. Aggarwal from CS @ UWin. Aww!
We were, literally, the youngest people in the room. We were like "WTF" because everyone there was 30+ We assumed "Hey! Technology? Gotta be some young peoples in hurr," we were so wrong - but in the end it worked out super awesome for us. We were wandering around, looking for a table to sit at, and we finally chose one with "space." Turns out we sat with IBM. XD Go go awesome sense of direction!
We hung out with the two execs from IBM, one of which was the key-note speaker for the event. Luckily, they were all "ZOMG you guys make games?!" And we were like "YESPLZ!" Business cards went flying, dinner was good, met some nice people, all in all, I'd say that today was pretty good.
Dr. Aggarwal wants to talk to us about becoming a part of this group and sitting on a committee - AWESOME! I can't wait to see what comes of this.
What kinds of games would you want to play online?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Unfortunate Realities
I wish I was at GDC right about now. I hate being a student with no cash. UGH.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
We're Going to Look Back and Laugh One Day
I wanted to share the reality of an internet startup. I think that it would be really healthy for all of you budding entrepreneurs.

52 Stairs actually started in a loft in Hamilton, Ont., and once Jonathan and Dan moved back to Windsor they shacked up @Jonathan's. So that means that Jonathan and I are now situated in Jonathan's sister's old room - complete with beautiful Rose flowered wallpaper and a Roccoco mirror. At least we now have a window ^_^ !!
It's okay guys, we're taking the Bill Gates approach.
New Shirts!
Getting back to business, I was trying to get Jonathan and Dan to go to GDC 09 Vancouver this May - but it seems as though 52 Stairs will not be able to make it. Dummer! There's always next year, I guess. At the very least, at this time next year I maybe able to make it myself! Awesome.

I don't really have any earth shattering news, except that we got company tshirts! Thanks Mr. Wagner :)

In other news: I'm forgoing my arts administration certificate because it would be a waste of time and money. I'll update with more relevant info later XD
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Today Jonathan and Dan talked with the founder and ex-CEO of a publicly traded company and he seemed to be really excited about Solar Chaos. He now wants Jonathan and Dan to submit the current bidnez plan and revenue model to him so that his banker friend can crunch some numbers. Awesome.
We should have the super SWEEET business cards ready this week. They're so bad-ass! I can't even write about it, you might get jealous. XD I should probably play with the layout of this site >_>
Friday, March 06, 2009
52 Stairs talks to Computer Science @ UWindsor!
Today has been AMAZING.
Because I'm a student at the University of Windsor I have to go to class. What happens when that class is cancelled? You make massive academic contracts.
I was waiting for the elevator, and I look around, and I saw a flyer. I read that there is a NEW Game Developement specialization within Computer Science at UWin! I make a B-line to CS. Found the secretary and everything happened.
Next thing I know, I'm talking to the head of the specialization - Dr. Goodwin, getting a presentation spot for the next day's University Open House, and so much more.
As for today, I tweeted most of the action via 52 Stairs' twitter account ( and after the two presentation groups we spoke to the PROGRAM DIRECTOR! Dr. Aggarwal let us know of all kinds of amazing opportunities. Jeez. Things feel like their taking off.
This Tuesday we meet with Dr. Goodwin (dinner date! Yum!) to talk over some other possibilities, and we ALSO need to get in touch with Margaret, program Secretary, to potentially run programming camps during the summer.
This is happening. Things are happening. I'm so excited. Pictures of the event will be up hopefully by Monday.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I can't believe I'm reblogging from Boing Boing again, but GOD DAMN. Soap made in the form of an NES controller.
Friday, February 20, 2009
In actual gaming news, Jonathan and I were talking about news-based games, due to the alarmingly popular games on like Trillion Dollar Bailout or the Be theHero game where you have to land a plane safely into the water (that got 2 million plays WTF)
So we were tossing around ideas and I casually mentioned the Rihanna v Chris Brown news story. If you haven't heard about that, then you've lost the internet. We played around with the idea of Rihanna's Revenge - a low budget Chris Brown boxing beatup game. In the end, we decided against it. After all, we're running a business here.
OMG I think we're getting paid today from!! :D I'm so excited.
I had this crazy dream that I collected all of these bills that I found randomly and my classmates totally didn't see them, and earlier yesterday, my family and I went to Sommerset Collection in Troy, MI. and we saw this tall guy walking through the mall with, literally, a brick-sized collection of BILLS. MONEY. He was just strutting down the corridor with a fricken WAD OF BILLS AS BIG AS HIS HAND COULD HOLD. WTF.
It was literally, that big.

Oh, and my cousin also dropped some seriously light cash on a new computer, she bought the Sony VAIO P!

She liked the red one, and it's perfect for what she needs. I can't wait to buy it for myself ^_^ Okay, I really need to go eat breakfast.
I had this crazy dream that I collected all of these bills that I found randomly and my classmates totally didn't see them, and earlier yesterday, my family and I went to Sommerset Collection in Troy, MI. and we saw this tall guy walking through the mall with, literally, a brick-sized collection of BILLS. MONEY. He was just strutting down the corridor with a fricken WAD OF BILLS AS BIG AS HIS HAND COULD HOLD. WTF.
She liked the red one, and it's perfect for what she needs. I can't wait to buy it for myself ^_^ Okay, I really need to go eat breakfast.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Working on a new game this study break. My work should take up the entire week (8+ hours a day). Shouldn’t be to bad though: it’s a word game. It centers over a really cute anime girl in University. She’s bright and bubbly, but just needs some extra help to ace the final exam. Jonathan’s working out the kinks in terms of game play, but the player helps her “learn.” If you get a word wrong, she gets frustrated, if you get it right, she’s happy. Depending on your score, she passes and you win!
I’m really excited, but I’m crazy stressed about school. UGH. *explodes* Hopefully, for the next post I’ll have some concept drawings/sketches.
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