Thursday, April 16, 2009

FF12: Revenant Wings for DS

Jonathan bought me FF12: Revenant Wings for the DS for Christmas 2008. I just finished it this week. 

It took me a year and 4 months to finish a Final Fantasy game. WTF

What can I say? It's a FF game - Rambuncious hero wants to be a sky pirate, mayhem goes on, trusted partner stays by his side as they collect friend along the way to fight the big fight. There is a villain, who isn't the main villain, and then you discover who the villain is you have to fight him twice - once where he's super tough, and then the last one is just for show. 

In the end, I was mostly happy it was over. Thanks to school, I've only been able to play it every once in a while for 1-2 hours max. It was an easy game to play - level up, beat boss, chapter ends. I spent so much time with that thing in my DS that I'm more than prepared to move onto something else - guh. I think I should have boughten a PSP.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Executive Summary Done

Do you know what this means? We're ready to search for venture/angel capital! :D We got the green light and some resources from a very successful entrepreneur and he even had his investment banker give it a look and he said it looked good enough for vc/angel capital firms!

I'm so elated right now. We can finally begin to do the leg work. I'm so excited. Jonathan said that he'd love for me to be the one to make the presentations in front of the boards - which is thrilling, but stressful. I'm taking 3 classes and 2 internships this summer. Ugh. School will be the end of me.

We'll have to keep our search confined to Toronto, as we can't really afford at this point to do any interprovince traveling. I'd love to be able to one day.

Anyway, celebratory movie night! Yay! :D

Fox-X featured on IGN.COM!

I completely neglected to mention this, as I was neck deep in exam stuffs, but since that is no longer the issue (YAY!) I can now mention that:


I don't even care what our rating was (No Rating lolz), just the IDEA that we were requested and received a great review is enough for me! :D

Check it out what Stephen Ng had to say here!
