Friday, March 06, 2009

52 Stairs talks to Computer Science @ UWindsor!

Today has been AMAZING.

Because I'm a student at the University of Windsor I have to go to class. What happens when that class is cancelled? You make massive academic contracts.

I was waiting for the elevator, and I look around, and I saw a flyer. I read that there is a NEW Game Developement specialization within Computer Science at UWin! I make a B-line to CS. Found the secretary and everything happened.

Next thing I know, I'm talking to the head of the specialization - Dr. Goodwin, getting a presentation spot for the next day's University Open House, and so much more.

As for today, I tweeted most of the action via 52 Stairs' twitter account ( and after the two presentation groups we spoke to the PROGRAM DIRECTOR! Dr. Aggarwal let us know of all kinds of amazing opportunities. Jeez. Things feel like their taking off.

This Tuesday we meet with Dr. Goodwin (dinner date! Yum!) to talk over some other possibilities, and we ALSO need to get in touch with Margaret, program Secretary, to potentially run programming camps during the summer.

This is happening. Things are happening. I'm so excited. Pictures of the event will be up hopefully by Monday.